国歌的历史5 min read

by Jillian Diffenderfer
The History of Our National Anthem<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">5</span> min read</span>
Reading Time: 4 minutes

火焰从国会大厦和白宫中窜出, 当美国人逃离华盛顿时,夜空闪耀着红色. 英国人无情地攻击美国的海港和本土, steadily moving toward Baltimore. Emboldened by victory, British Admiral Cochrane informed James Monroe, America’s Secretary of State, 英国海军的目标是摧毁麦克亨利堡, 保护巴尔的摩港口的五边形堡垒.

一位名叫弗朗西斯·斯科特·基的年轻律师被派去谈判释放被关押在巴尔的摩港英国船上的囚犯. After the successful negotiation of the release, 海军中将亚历山大·科克伦爵士告诉基,谈判将毫无结果, 因为英国人将在黎明时分对麦克亨利堡发动进攻. 因为凯看到英国人准备进攻,科克伦不允许他返回陆地.

1814年9月13日星期二,惊天动地的重炮声打破了早晨的平静. British ships, as far as the eye could see, 占领了港口,无情地发射了致命的迫击炮. By the following morning, the British had launched over 1,500 mortars, some as heavy as 250 pounds, into Fort McHenry.

Through the night, Key kept a watch over the Fort. 当炸弹照亮夜空时,基使劲看美国国旗是否还在飘扬. Why? Why was Key so intensely watching the flag? 英国军官告诉美军,只要他们降下国旗,整个战役就可以避免. 所以,只要国旗还在升起,英国人就会继续进攻. For 25 hours, the British bombarded Fort McHenry. 在长达25个小时的时间里,堡垒内的美国军队确保国旗仍在那里. 25小时后,英国人意识到他们无法从海上夺取堡垒,于是停火.

意识到英国人正在停止射击,几英里外的基向水面望去. 他会对船上的美国囚犯说些什么呢? 他会看到那面旗帜上醒目的条纹和明亮的星星吗? Would he see the sign of surrender? Did that star-spangled banner yet wave? As the dawn turned to daylight, 虽然旗杆歪了,星条旗也被弄坏了, Key saw that, indeed, our American flag was still there.


当烟雾开始散去时,这位年轻的律师写下了《BCK体育注册官网》的第一节. 到达酒店房间后不久,弗朗西斯·斯科特·基写下了接下来的三节. Later that evening, Key’s brother-in-law, Judge Joseph Nicholsen, read the poem and promptly had it printed. 尼科尔森法官建议将这首诗唱给“天堂的阿纳克瑞翁”听,这首曲子当时在美国的小酒馆里广为流传. By September 20, the Baltimore Patriot printed the song in its newspaper. 到1815年,这首歌被称为“星条旗永不落”.”

The song quickly became a favorite. In fact, P.T. 巴纳姆偶尔会举办“国歌比赛”,没有哪首歌比《BCK体育注册官网》得到更大的支持. By 1889, it had become America’s unofficial anthem. 大约在1903年,美国海军在升旗时演奏了这首歌, the United States Army had adopted the song. 伍德罗·威尔逊总统宣布这首歌为国歌,3月3日, 1931, Congress made it official.

In 1931, 36 U.S. Code 301 was written. This law discusses the protocol for our National Anthem. (C)节规定:“所有在场的人都应该面对国旗,并立正站立,右手放在心脏上。, and men not in uniform, if applicable, 应该用右手摘下头饰,并把它放在左肩上吗, the hand being over the heart”. However, by 1943, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled this law as unconstitutional. Today, of course, there is no legal 那些在奏国歌时不起立的人的后果.

对许多美国人来说,国旗和国歌不仅仅是毫无意义的象征. 我们的国歌和国旗通常代表着我们所珍视的东西:我们的国家, the freedom enjoyed by all Americans, and the troops who fought for it. 当我们的国歌奏响时,许多美国人骄傲地站在那里,眼中含着泪水,心中充满感激. Often, 老兵们参加了演奏国歌和同时升旗的仪式. 这样的展示是为了激发人们的感激之情和爱国精神!

在麦克亨利堡,一名Dayspring学生与一名士兵站在一起.Singing the national anthem is not just a tradition, 它提醒我们,我们今天所享有的自由并非一直如此. 这是一次又一次的战斗和胜利——我记得我们的士兵,从今天一直到那天晚上. 基紧张地看着我们的国旗还挂在那里,挂在那些率先赢得美国独立的人身上.

黎明基督教学院使用原始资源来教育学生,因为他们寻求美国历史的真相. 五年级的Dayspring学生参观麦克亨利堡,这是他们学习美国建国的一部分, 包括1812年的战争和我们国歌的起源. Our method of education, The Principle Approach这种教育在美国建国的头两百年里很盛行.

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Cover photo credit: National Park Service (www.nps.gov), Public Domain.