世界观及其重要性6 分钟阅读

博士. 迈克尔·迈尔斯
世界观及其重要性<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">6</span> 分钟阅读</span>
阅读时间: 5 分钟

我知道,我知道. 现在每个人都在谈论“世界观”这个词. 我还记得它第一次出现的时候. 这个概念并不新鲜,但它现在有了一个通俗易懂的名字. Over the years the terms Christian worldview and 圣经 worldview have become almost cliché among Christian educational institutions, 几乎普遍出现在网站上. 大多数学校的使命声明都声称要培养学生的其中一种能力. 这是一件好事. 事实上,如果真的发生了,那是件好事.

worldview-quote我是意向性的坚定信仰者. (我也很熟悉它的对应词——意想不到的后果, 但我将把这个留到下次讨论.) An old axiom comes to mind when I think of intentionality: “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.换句话说,圣经的世界观不是偶然产生的. 它是一种特定哲学的结果, 课程, 很多人都在应用这种方法. 听起来像是教育.

当然,并非所有的教育都是在教室里进行的. We have to keep in mind that the Christian school can only go so far in building a 圣经 worldview in its students. 的re are many other factors and forces at work that will either facilitate or undermine the best efforts of the local Christian school, 就像家一样, 娱乐/新闻媒体, 还有社交媒体.

话虽如此, 鉴于在这一学年的过程中, students spend most of their waking hours in school or attending school-related activities, 很明显,学校与所有哲学潜流都很重要, 含沙射影, 以及随之而来的微妙之处. 这就是意向性的来源.

学校不仅要教授生产性公民所必需的基本学术知识, 他们必须帮助培养技能和才能,使人生圆满. 现在, put on top of those huge concerns the intentional development of a 圣经 worldview and you can see why the track record hasn’t been very good. (如果你质疑我的评价,看看美国社会就知道了. 在过去的25年里,它变得更像基督了还是更不像基督了? 我想你明白了. 基督徒并没有赢得这场文化战争.)

那么,答案是什么呢? 放弃? 接受现状? 为了保持相关性,向当前的文化屈服? 不幸的是,事情通常就是这样发展的. Dan Smithwick encountered the very same dilemma some 30 years ago when he started exploring the steady demise of the traditional Judeo-Christian values that built America. Mr. Smithwick noticed the drifting of America from its founding principles—圣经 principles. 他继续找到了 尼希米研究所 凭借其核心的世界观评估工具, PEERS测试, along with a comprehensive 圣经 worldview education program for young people and adults.

Smithwick’s own self-education in the worldview arena and its connection to America past and present (as well as its implications for the future) led him to develop a series of statements that fell into five categories, 每一个都极大地影响着社会生活:政治, 经济学, 教育, 宗教, 及社会问题. 因此,首字母缩略词是PEERS. 史密斯威克开始用图表记录测试结果, segmenting the test-takers into two groups: Christian students who attend public schools and Christian students in Christian schools.

BCK体育注册官网PEERS测试的一个有趣的故事是Dan Smithwick如何发现的 原则方法教育. 几乎立即, a subset of students stood head and shoulders above the other students taking the test. 我做了一点调查, Smithwick was able to ascertain that some Christian schools are much more intentional in developing a 圣经 Christian worldview in their students than are traditional Christian schools. 他把这些学校称为“世界观学校”.” Mr. Smithwick’s further re搜索 led him to schools that employed the Principle Approach along with its founding institution, 美国基督教教育基金会(FACE).

的 results of PEERS测试 over nearly 30 years of use have shown a steady decline in the degree to which Christian students embrace and demonstrate a 圣经 Christian worldview in the five PEERS categories, 除了明显的例外:“世界观”学校和家庭教育. 这些学校的学生, 包括原则学校和古典基督教学校, 没有失去世界观的基础吗, 其他教育机构的同行也是如此. A snapshot of the testing trends over the years from 1998 through 2015 shows the relative position of the different testing subgroups as well as their placement in the worldview grid.



显然,这种分数的稳步下降并不是凭空发生的. 结果背后总有原因. 虽然有几个(许多)变量影响世界观的形成, the purpose of this article is to look at one of the more influential contributors: schooling.

从一开始, Dayspring Christian Academy has included 圣经 worldview acquisition a priority of its mission. 的 原理方法® is especially effective at forming a 圣经 worldview in its students due to its emphasis on reasoning from the 圣经 principles that govern each school subject and then applying them to every aspect of life. 这一历史性, classical Christian methodology is the kind of education that produced the men and women of America’s founding who could reason from Christian principles to create the great documents that forged our nation.

Dayspring entered the PEERS testing arena in 1995 as we were preparing for our first graduating class. We recently completed an audit of how we have fared over the years in this critical area. 从最近的分析中收集到的一些见解包括:

  • 意向性问题! 2014年,我们实施了尼希米学院的支柱世界观课程. 那年春天,高年级的平均成绩是70分.31,这属于有神论的圣经世界观分类.
  • 最近三年的测试记录, the average class score increased nearly 21 points between the spring of the freshman year and the spring of the senior year.
  • 为了在圣经世界观的形成上更加出色, our faculty are engaging in a yearlong in-service training in key aspects of the Pillars worldviews course.
  • 研究表明,世界观的形成从很小的时候就开始了. 出于这个原因, the Dayspring faculty is exploring ways to more effectively address worldview issues in age-appropriate ways for young students.

worldviews-scripture的 Bible is very clear about the importance and methodology for instilling a 圣经 worldview in children. 的 goal is to see the world as God sees it, rather than through the humanistic mindset of man. Deuteronomy 6: 6-9 paints a beautiful picture of the breadth and depth of worldview training that must be employed to fashion the thinking of children. 的se verses present an intensive approach of saturating the life of the child with 圣经 truth and discussion—learning to think and reason from the truth of God’s Word. 没有这个, Christians are poorly equipped to offer credible solutions to the many dilemmas the world faces. 而不是在黑暗的世界里做盐和光, we often see young adults drifting (or running) from the paths of righteousness to embrace a worldview set in clear opposition to Creator God.


If you would like more information about Dayspring Christian Academy or 的 Principle Approach, 请致电717-285-2000与卡罗尔·哈斯汀联系.